The scenario is the workhorse of Words For That. Within each is a situation many people have encountered in their lives, but is currently nameless. Checkout the all-time best category to find some great examples.
When submitting, be as descriptive as possible with your scenario so that other people will know exactly what you're talking about. There's no way the community can come up with a great word if it can't understand your writing. Also, whatever you submit will be at the mercy of the vote - scenarios that are very obscure or poorly-written will not do very well. See the Voting section on this page for more information.
It can be a single word, a few words, or even a phrase. It can be carefully crafted from ancient roots, a punny spoonerism, or totally made-up gibberish. Ultimately, the words that make it big are the ones that everyone uses - the popular ones. See the Voting section on this page to see how the word voting works.
Adding a word is one thing, but showing others why or how it is used allows others to embrace your creation! Adding an example or a description of how to use the word is a great way to get others to start using your word.
If you're stumped, or want to learn more, checkout some of the wordy communities and sites Words For That has partnered with.
A comments section is provided along with every submitted scenario to allow for discussion of that scenario and the respective submitted words. Is the top rated word really the best one submitted? Why or why not? Is this scenario aptly described? Do the submitted words accurately capture the spirit of the scenario? All these things and much more can be discussed in the comments section.
The comments operate with a similar up/down voting system as the words and the scenarios. Comments which are more popular will rise to the top of the column, while those which are poorly written, inflamatory, derogatory, or otherwise unsavory, will be voted down to the bottom. See the Voting section on this page for more information.
We let you decide what's good and bad here. The numbers next to each scenario and word is the overall popularity, or score, for that item. Clicking on the arrows near the number will increase or decrease the score for that item.
Vote scenarios up if you can relate to them, get a kick out of them, or simply enjoy the situation they describe. Vote down scenarios which are very poorly written, mean-spirited, or extremely specific.
Vote up words if it's something you could see yourself using! They can be nerdy and linguistic, clever and witty, or just hilarious.
Voting on comments is similar to voting on scenarios and words, but since the goal is to generate discussion, voting up a comment should reflect the contribution to the discussion. Don't simply vote a comment up because you agree with it or think it's funny. Conversely, vote down a comment if it's mean-spirited, off-topic, spam, or any other of the billions of ways a comment could be bad.
Submit keywords along with your scenario so that others will have an easier time of finding your work. Write as many applicable keywords as you can think of, but try not to simply repeat the words already used in the scenario text. Also, try variations of words in your scenario. If it contains the word, "embarrassing", you might want to add, "embarrass" or "embarrassment" as well.
The search bar returns results in three categories: Scenarios, Words, and Users. A search for a particular word or phrase might return several different items from each category, than can be browsed all from the results page. Use search to find your friends' usernames, use it to search for a word, or use it to find a certain scenario. Also, clicking on any scenario keyword will execute a search based on that keyword. So, if you found a scenario about "summer", you could click that keywork to find other relevant Words For That content about summer.
We've tried to make signing up as easy as possible, but a username, password, and email are sill required to submit anything. This helps us prevent spam, allows us to ensure higher quality content, and provides you with some extra options on the site. Submitting a word, a scenario, and commenting are all restricted to those who've signed up, but all other features of the site are available to anyone.
Your account page shows a bunch of information about your statistics and submissions on the site. When you're signed in, you can access your Account Preferences page, to modify you experience here on Words For That, or delete your account.
The username is what shows up next to your submissions, and we keep track of what you've submitted and the score of those submissions for you. We absolutely never reveal your email, but we will send you some email notices under certain cirucmstances which are detailed in the "Email" section on this page. See the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for more information.
You'll recieve some emails from Words For That, but we really hate email spam, so we really don't want to do that to you either. We compile every notification you recieve on a given day into a single email for that day so that we're not emailing you everytime something happens. For instance, if someone adds a new word to a scenario you've submitted and you've also received three comment replies, you'll get a single email with a list of these notifications. Other email types exist, like password reset, a welcome email, general site announcements, etc., but these will be infrequent.
As stated in the Signing Up / Accounts section, you'll have full control over how we email you via the account preferences page.