Schrödinger's Devil
By: Jellyfish? Jellyfish!"You are successful alone which builds your confidence only to have the less desirable outcome occur when the act of social observance is present. It is Schrödinger's Devil."
References and reasons.
Deja View
By: lateralvincent"I don't watch Futurama but I've seen this one episode like six times, total Deja View man."
By: ChuckwilesThis person was following me, so I looked at the reflection in my phone and counter-stalked him
Budapest Tail Check
By: i_love_lampI imagine some spy doing something secret in Budapest, and checking to make sure he has no one following him by doing something like this. "When i did the Budapest tail check, the footsteps behind me stopped. I booked it out of there!"
By: CcinoAn act of surveilling the area due to a suspicion of being spied or stalked upon.
Mental Playlist Amnesia
By: SqueekyBeanzWhen you build up a playlist in your mind, then you forget completely what you were going to watch.
By: bustajonesgavin"Watching those mountain climbers without safety harnesses is making me so empasweatic right now!"
It's a combination of "empathetic" and "sweat". :)
Monkey palms
By: i_love_lamp"The video of that crazy Russian kid climbing on the crane gave me monkey palms"
monkeys swing from trees and probably evolved some kind of reflex like this so they grip the vines or branches better
high-place phenomenon
By: anonymn2Not trying to be a dick, but this term created by Jennifer Hames of Florida State University explains a lot about our sensory responses to high places.
Mental Playlist Amnesia -
By SqueekyBeanz, 7 months agoPGSD (Post Ghost Stress Disorder) -
By Hafell, almost 3 years agoThe Male Shockwave Effect -
By dashofdisco, almost 3 years agoadnoying -
By jo3, almost 3 years agoWhen you go to watch a youtube video when an ad comes up at full volume
Desklock -
By balents, almost 3 years agoWhen you can't get your ass off the computer and actually do something.
Fairy Stalkmother -
By jimmy_g, almost 3 years agoWhen you only know someone from creeping them on social media.
Sololoquy -
By weavin, almost 3 years agoA word for when you're all alone but laughing out loud at something you read/watch
Broke Millionaire -
By Cam, almost 3 years agoWhen you play a trivia gameshow from home and know all the answers.
Walter Whitis -
By Skarolex, almost 3 years agoWhen a criminal commits serious crimes for his/her own leisure
Creepsomnia -
By Zensei, almost 3 years agoSST (Stoner Standard Time) -
By JoePaynis, almost 3 years agoThe sense of knowing what time it is but being completely wrong
the OH SHIT handle -
By BrunchSpecial, almost 3 years agoThe handlebar on the ceiling of a vehicle that passengers use to hang on.
Deja View -
By lateralvincent, almost 3 years agoTimenesia -
By Stuart.collett, over 2 years agoWhen you look at the time and as soon as you look away you forget so you have to look again.