By: NeedForSleep"Strawberries are nice, however multiberries are not."
Multiple is the meaning of the prefix 'Multi'.
Mutafruit [myoo'tah'froot]
By: RockPaperScissors"This strawberry looks so cool but what's more cooler is that it's a mutafruit that has another strawberry growing out of it. "
Any fruit that has mutated. Mutate + fruit = mutafruit
False awakening
By: AwesoMan3000This is actually a thing, when you "wake up" from a dream but then wake up into reality. You can "wake up" multiple times in a dream before actually entering reality.
Strange Side of Youtube -
By Dracore, almost 3 years agoinstashun -
By Cathy20, almost 3 years agofremdschämen -
By Coleman Falcon, about 2 years ago