Washington Sentinels
By: ThisisgatsbyThe name from the movie the replacements. It worked for them
Early Turd
By: KrowphayI can't believe someone took the name Roadrunner before I could get to it! The site's only been up for like a day... early bird gets the worm, I guess, or in this case... early turd gets the name.
Size Depression -
By ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), 9 months agoWhen you realize that your earphones are never going to fit your ears anymore.
monoclothed -
By Lolza, almost 3 years agoDegame -
By Newton, over 2 years agoThe act of liking RPGs but not having enough of an attention span or free time to complete them.
soap graft -
By Drowk, almost 3 years agoThe act of adhering the little scrap of soap to the new bar of soap.
Jacksplit Syndrome -
By Caudecus, 7 months agoWhen you go through multiple pairs of headphones in a short time.
get new friends -
By CrazyLlama, almost 3 years agodelusional -
By yuyquan, 5 months agowhen you se a thing in your room thats no longer there when you look
Cheapread -
By RandomTroll, almost 3 years agoWhat would you call reading books at Barnes & Noble and never buying them?
burgerrhea -
By boofar, almost 3 years agoThe sauce that is squeezed out of the back of sandwich or burger as you eat.
happysnatch -
By benrat05, 4 months agoWhen you steal something from someone that brought the owner a large amount of joy.
sauce audit -
By negatron, almost 3 years agofoam clone -
By DefineMe!, almost 3 years agoThe act of adhering the little scrap of soap to the new bar of soap.
Jamais-Vu -
By Calvin, almost 3 years agoWhen you say a word outloud enough times to where your brain stops recognizing the sound as a word.
imaginesia -
By wordreaper, almost 3 years agowhen you lose the ability to do artistic things for a brief period of time
Lip Levee -
By yolo_blaze_it, almost 3 years agoThe act of sucking or slurping the foam from a glass of beer or soda to prevent it from overflowing.
Scent Trail -
By Kokoola26, over 1 year agoA smell that draws you to a location, like smelling bacon from your bedroom in the morning.
complexus -
By Whammerist, over 1 year agoWhen you're trying to explain something, and the person asks you to dumb it down and you can't.