Fart train
By: keerinI rode the fart train while running for the bus this morning, it was hilarious!
Fart & Dart
By: willzmarler"If you ever have problems with wind, go for a run, and do a quick Fart & Dart!"
Anti-lucidity Loop
By: angelofthenight"Oft nights he twirls uncontrollably in limitless anti-lucidy loops, his mind a twisted barbed wire the deeper he drills into his subconscious."
Inception totem
By: Beneath The Sinkif your Inception Totem is a top and it spins forever without ever slowing or falling.. you might just be in a dream... within another dream ...
Bounced Check
By: ResidentStump"I tried to check to see if I was still dreaming but afterwards I just let the check bounce."
Obliter-Idea Effect
By: TheRaveGamer"I had a awesome idea while in the shower, but I experienced the Obliter-Idea Effect afterwards."
By: JohnDoe123I outmissed my vacations
(from "missing (something from/to be) outside")
The Breadend
By: TheCookieMonster2673Alan hit the breadend when he was going to make a sandwich; someone had eaten the last two actual slices
Nob Knob
By: Howe-Oh"I went to grab a slice of bread, but all that was left were the two Nob Knobs that no one wants."
The two ends can be called Knobbies, or something similar.
By: nikhilofficialthat part of the bread loaf which is mostly idle or good for nothing i.e. loafer