By: boofarA totally legal and acceptable move on Words For That! But, since it's backwards from the normal flow of this site, I propose we flip the word "word", and use it as an action. Hence, "Drowing".
Flat Tire
By: arwolf1If you didn't walk so slow, I wouldn't give you a flat tire every 3 steps.
Heal steal
By: karmallamaI got that guy so good with a heal-steal and he frowned at the guy next to me #winning
By: hjklhjklhlk"Sorry for that shoeflop bro!"
It makes the sound 'flop' and it's a shoe...
semi-colon stroke
By: GehalgodStroke = desperately needed success or revelation after much labor (stroke of luck, stroke of brilliance)
Semi-colon = the missing character that often fucks up lines of code
By: VinceCgto"Dude, did you manage to fix that nasty bug?"
"Yeah, this morning I had a sudden epiphaline."
Epiphany + (code) line
By: WolvenGears"I finally finished that thing with an end feeling of relived-annoyance." "Why?" "The solution was too easy not to get but I didn't get in anyway."
By: nils1433I had an Aquaphany about what car i want today.
combination of Aqua and epiphany
By: keeganwhThis morning I was showondering for like an hour. (Pronounced "Sha-WUN-der-ing"). Combo of showering + wondering.
Shower Theory
By: TheCookieMonster2673I was washing up, and I thought to myself, "What if half of Earth's population went away?"
By: boofar"I've been having crazy ringxiety lately, but I know my phone is in the car..."
Heard it on NPR about this.
Ghost Phone
By: fatdolladollaMy ghost phone is blowing up today. If only I had real friends that would call me.
Phantom phonecall
By: pinkbabooshka"my phone was blowin up earlier and now i'm getting all these phantom calls on my leg"
amputees get phantom limbs, so it makes sense for it to be a phantom call!
too far two step
By: Nickp788I was walking into the building the other day and this guy held the door for me. I had just stepped onto the side walk. I had to do the awkward too far two step to make it to the door in time.