sauce audit
By: negatron"hey, you should sauce audit that burger or you're going to ruin that new sweater..."
like a tax audit, only tastier - and less jail time
itch ripple
By: boofar"I'd ask you to scratch my back, but you'd just have to keep going cause i get itch ripple real bad."
pretty self-explanitory
Brain Lag
By: DrexlI was worried I'd never remember what I was going to say about your mom, but it was just brain lag.
Neuron Rebound
By: dlandes"I have these neuron rebounds all the time, but I never really forget what I was going to say."
The Neurons in the brain rebound.
By: skillbilly"Oh, it feels so good to caboose back up to a train of thought, I almost forgot that story!"
Engines in the trainyard ride around to the back of the train of cars, caboosing them into place.
Newton's apple
By: duncansdad"I was about to make the best play ever in Words With Friends and totally Newton's appled myself. "
We've all heard the story of Newton getting hit on the head by a falling apple and how it became the basis for his physics theories etc . . .
Gravity Check
By: KWall24"*Drop* Ow. Well, at least we passed the gravity check. That's gonna leave a mark."
I don't know.
By: AnnaBananaMy hands were all greasy from lubing up for fapping and I wound up phone-facing while checking if I had any messages on eHarmony.
By: Stuart.collettThe condition whereby a person, having just looked at the time, will inevitably forget what they have just seen. This usually necessitates a re check of the watch.
Horologic Amnesia
By: BBxBackshotAccording to Google, Horologium means "Clock",so I thought Horologic Amnesia might translate to "Clock Amnesia".
Hermit Rant
By: ryankerAdam went on a long hermit rant about how bad congressional term limits are until Jen pointed out that they don't exist.
By: AnnaBanana"Aunt Jeanie got drunk at Christmas and went on a rando-rant about the benefits of pot."
Random + Rant
By: artfulrodger"So, we're all hanging out, having a good time, then Jimmy just starts tiraiding on and on about TPS reports."
Tirade + Raiding
say ja vu
By: schlaapI totally just said that exact same thing right before the broadcaster said it!
Déjà dit
By: Cassiusaugusta"Ha! Did you hear me déjà dit that. Nailed it!"
French for "already said"
By: bustajonesgavin"Uhhhh... what is the pizzamath on this last slice here guys?"
Pizzamath can be used in so many different ways that it begins to take on the meaning of all INTERNAL and PERSONAL equations we make as hungry human beings, specifically when pizza is involved.