By: pinkbabooshka"My dog always gets scared when I start solololling out of nowhere."
Solo + lol
By: @paulwordsmith"Missed the last train home. Sat on empty platform reading my friend's Twitter feed = solol"
Works brilliantly as a hashtag too #solol
By: weavin"James released a hearty sololoquy whilst watching his 420p streaming illegally hosted comedy series."
Soliloquy/lol/you get the picture.
By: johnnywalkerDude, I was in a commutrance and that girl totally caught me staring.
By: AASantaRosaSeriously dude. If I look at someone and they seem the slightest inconvenienced, I smile at them. No big deal.
By: Mjtothet"I snapped a picture of a hobo fight last night, and immediately had Instagret when I realized I should have just taken in the majesty of the performance"
Because hobo fights are epic and rare
By: dlandes"It was so cool, I have never seen anything like it." "Do you have a picture?" "Sorry, man. I was in complete hesitography."
Hesitography is a combination of Hesitation and Photography. The situation being described is exactly that: A hesitation to take a photograph.
By: childofscorn"Great news, honey! We get to babysit the niblings this weekend!"
It's reminiscent of sibling, but with the n instead, which ties in niece and nephews
By: BrunchSpecial"I got into a nerf gun fight with my niblings at thanksgiving - I felt like a kid again"
I believe this is the actual word for this -
By: Define Me!"Last year's Thanksgiving was an utter nightmare! Somebody should really tell cousin Shayla to take a hiatus on the wanton procreation. We needed three turkeys to feed the sudden kinflock."
Are you suffering from the sudden explosion of nieces and nephews? Are you tired of all the precocious Braydens, Jaydens, Emmas, and Madisons in your extended family? Does your cousin Shayla randomly browse a high school yearbook and manages to sleep with every guy on the page?
Then "kinflock" is the word for you.
Projectile comment
By: BrunchSpecial"During my big interview with the VPs, one of their projectile comments hit my face. I did everything I could to act as if nothing happened..."
No one does it on purpose, so it's hard to get mad at them, but it's still their comment spit hitting you in the face... Sucks.
Speech bukkake
By: Nickp788I was sitting around the dinner table and my buddy speech bukkake'd me, it was totally degrading.
Clean Regret
By: letitsnow1415"Gotta remember to poop before I shower next time, lest I run the risk of having some clean regret."
If you weren't so clean, you wouldn't have any regret.
"bussed buddies"
By: nialllarkin"The seats emptied out around us leaving us stranded like a pair of "bussed buddies" or something. "
Kina sounds like "Best buddies" but using "Bussed" together in the sense of a awkward ungainly pairing.
By: readmush"Today on the bus I was totally stranger-stranded. Seriously, everyone left with me sitting next to this guy."
It's like everyone else betrays you by leaving you, so they "strand" you behind, now awkwardly sitting with a stranger.
By: ScootBenetI wanted to sit in the newly empty seat but we were in a silently enforced state of busnogamy and it was just too awkward.
Post Bet-Mortem
By: dlandes"It was a complete post bet-mortem, I lost everything I put down on that horse and I knew it would happen. I am such an idiot!"
Post Bet-Mortem: Post Mortem, lat. After Death, the bet basically just died. So it is a something after the bet died.
By: BeezerB"I had serious betgony after I bet my life savings on the Leafs."
Because it captures the agony of your poor judgment. Also, it sounds good.
Reload Revelation
By: TacticalBrofist"I experienced serious reload revelation today when I decided to play Skyrim again. Minutes after starting, I realized that I would have to suffer through an hour of introduction missions before actually being free to do what i want. So i said "f_ck it" and went back to facebook..."
The definition of the word "Revelation" is the revealing or disclosing of some form of truth or knowledge through communication with a deity or other supernatural entity. I thought Reload Revelation would be befitting since you usually re-reveal the knowledge of all the bothersome parts of a game only after (but then again JUST after) you have actually booted it up. Upon reloading, the truth is revealed!
Load lament
By: shining.midnight"I just installed Crysis 3 but when I went to play it I got really strong load lament, TF2 looks more fun right now."
Alliteration, yo
Loading-screen ennui
By: zingiberThe loading-screen ennui's setting in again. Should I go outside? Nah.