By: DaLanimilbus"Dammit that round didn't count. I was Catboarded by Mr. Fluffles."
Cat + Keyboard. It can't be confused with anything else in the context.
By: bustajonesgavin"Watching those mountain climbers without safety harnesses is making me so empasweatic right now!"
It's a combination of "empathetic" and "sweat". :)
Monkey palms
By: i_love_lamp"The video of that crazy Russian kid climbing on the crane gave me monkey palms"
monkeys swing from trees and probably evolved some kind of reflex like this so they grip the vines or branches better
high-place phenomenon
By: anonymn2Not trying to be a dick, but this term created by Jennifer Hames of Florida State University explains a lot about our sensory responses to high places.
Social Ground
By: CougarPumaExpression, used as "standing your social ground." Example: "Becky and Jeff were fighting over the Xbox game which had nothing to do with me, so I just stood my social ground."
The brown mile
By: mturner"That guy was in a rush! Must be walking the brown mile."
A parody of the Green mile: The anxiety of a journey to impending doom.
By: Mark Iliff"Nice talking to you - gotta loodash"
It's a dash for the lavatory, toilet, bathroom, temple of ease, convenience or loo
The brown-eyed squint
By: ScootBenet"I jumped out of the taxi and brown-eyed squinted straight into KFC for an urgent gravy session."
squinting is clenching but also sounds like sprint, brown eye is a semi polite synonym for the anus.